Testron SX Natural Androgen support


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Testron SX

Natural Androgen support, Testron SX!

Through the use of a combination of plant derived compounds that have been scientifically demonstrated to support physiologic functions associated with testosterone, Testron SX produces verifiable results in men, women, and athletes. Testron SX bypasses the inherent limitations of using an isolated hormone, by offering a full compliment of supportive enzyme-activated herbs and orchic substance, which work synergistically to address the entire endocrine system. Although testosterone is produced by two endocrine glands, production and response to testosterone is affected by the entire endocrine system.

Testosterone, an androgenic hormone produced by the adrenals and testes of men and ovaries of women, functions as a support for sex drive, muscle growth, bone maintenance, and mental function and as an intermediate for the production of other hormones. Studies indicate that higher levels of circulating testosterone are associated with a lower risk for heart disease. Declining testosterone production, which occurs with age, may lead to impairment of sex drive and other functions that are normally supported by testosterone.

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